Pastor John will be ministering at TNCCFC on Sunday, October 6th at 8am.
Dr. John Mastrogiovanni...
...has been an ordained minister for 35 years. His fundamental call is to empower and energize leaders,
both young and seasoned, in fulfilling their call and purpose as part of “the Church of the future”. His key
assignment is in bringing innovative and foundational concepts of spiritual reality toward Christ’s
prayerful mandate to be One (John 17:21). John has earned a Bachelor’s in Biblical Studies, a Master of
Divinity, and a Doctor of Ministry in 1992 and went on to further study of the both the Hebrew language
and Hebraic spirituality through several diverse rabbinical scholars for more than a decade. This
Hebraic point of view has given John an ability through the Holy Spirit to assess concepts and ideas in
the Bible that have been revolutionary and transformative to many on a global level. For example, as one
minister from England said, “RADICAL! Foundational... Anointing our eyes with salve to see our
religiosity...whilst enabling us to step into the measure of God’s intention.” Thus, John ministers across
denominational lines, traveling and speaking in different seminar venues and churches across the
United States, United Kingdom, Europe and Africa.